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Writer's pictureInna Nikolaeva

Devon Rex: who are they? Let's get acquainted!

Have you ever imagined a creature that combines the traits of three animals: a cat, a dog, and a monkey? If you have met at least one representative of the Devon Rex breed, then you don’t have to.

Devons deserve this characteristic for a reason because they stand out among other cat breeds not only by their unique character but also by their unusual, unearthly appearance.

Character Devon Rex

Playful and very active cats who are interested in everything that happens in the house. Don't be surprised if your pet jumps on your shoulder to ask what are you preparing. They are distinguished by excellent jumping ability, so you shouldn’t be surprised if at some point the pet suddenly ends up on the refrigerator or in the closet.

Devon Rexes are friendly and will find a common language with all the inhabitants of the house: children, dogs, other cats, or parrots. They love society very much and suffer from loneliness. At the same time, they will always find something to do with themselves and come up with toys from any, even completely unsuitable for these purposes, objects. Cats of this breed are very playful, and even at old age.

But their main character trait is their incredible love for people. Devons follow the owner everywhere and choose one of the family. With all this, they are unobtrusive. These cats can sensitively capture the mood of a person and always understand when to leave the owner alone.

They do not cause special problems to the owners and do not annoy others with screams, since they do not know how to make loud sounds. Devons are also very trainable and are considered one of the smartest cat breeds in the world. In addition, cats of this breed do not mark territory and calmly endure periods of sexual activity.

Care of Devon Rex

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the fur: it is delicate, therefore it is necessary to choose a delicate brush. Devon Rexes are practically not subject to molting, but sometimes excess fluff comes off them, which can be removed by running a damp hand over the fur.

Owners should also take care of their ears. Devon Rex’s ears are not only large and have an unusual shape, but also open, which increases the likelihood of various infections. For prevention purposes, it is worth cleaning and washing them once a week with a special lotion. In case of even minor discharge, owners should immediately consult with a doctor.

The first thing you are most likely to notice when meeting this breed is the huge ears that resemble the wings of a butterfly. But soon your attention will be attracted by eyes, heavy and serious in a Devonian way, creating the feeling that they penetrate right through. The Egyptian Sphinx could have envied such a view. As soon as you look up from their eyes, your gaze is drawn to short curly hair. For representatives of this unique breed combination of fur color and eye color can be absolutely anything, in contrast to other breeds. But now as you are evaluating the Devonian as a whole, you note that under the feline grace there is a dense, rather heavy, and muscular body.

Conditions of keeping Devon Rex

Because of the short hair, cats of this breed like warm places, for example to sleep near a radiator or heater, to wrap themselves in a blanket. Therefore, so that the pet does not freeze, it is necessary to control the temperature in the apartment and prepare them a warm place to sleep.

These cats have a very delicate digestive tract are prone to obesity, so owners need to carefully monitor the amount of food consumed by the pet and its calorie content.

But all these features aren’t a burden when the cat becomes your friend and family member! After all, these cats will be devoted to you all your life and will never make you sad. Therefore, do not lose your chance to get a new family member and rather choose the cat you like in our cattery!

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